Friday, December 28, 2012

The Walking Dead (PC) Review

Developer: Telltale Games

I kinda heard TWD was a TV series, then I found out it was a comic series, and THEN I realized that this game can be stand-alone and doesn't have to be tied to the other two works.  I got it during Steam's Summer sales for like $15... I think.  Anyways, I'm pretty sure I paid for the whole season so when future episodes come out, I don't have to pay additional costs per episode.  I don't know, it just said PURCHASE WALKING DEAD so I hope I'm not getting ripped by only buying the released two episodes.

Story: You start out as this guy named Lee Everett in a cop car and I'm thinking 'WTF, I'm a criminal?'  Old man cop tells some stories of his arrests and then like a bad elderly driver, he hits a zombie no matter how fast I tell him to avoid.  So after blacking out, Lee looks around to see the cop in a pool of blood and checks to see any signs of life.  Turns out the old man turned into a zombie and then went after Lee... BUT NOT WITHOUT BLASTING THE COP'S BRAINS OUT.  Searching for help leads to a little girl called Clementine who's stuck at home trying to escape from her zombified babysitter.  Exploring the house would let Lee know that her parents are dead and Clem doesn't know yet.  After smashing the babysitter's brains out, Lee and Clem set out to escape and try to find a safer place to live.

Characters: The characters are definitely the stars of this drama that would make you feel invested in the story.  Clem makes you feel like you want to protect her (well... most people would), a military old fart makes you want to leave him dying of a heart attack, and a guy who is supposed to be your buddy slowly turns unpleasant.

Lee Everett: A former teacher at the University of Georgia.  Lost his job after news broke out about a crime implying the involvement of his wife.  Did he kill his wife or beat her?  No one knows... yet.  The player is left in the dark until halfway through episode 1, which explains why Lee may act strangely as he does.

Music: Does its job to building suspense and maintaining the mood of the game.

Graphics: Nice and clean as the art style has stylistic features of a comic book.  Cel-shading makes the game appealing to anyone.

Gameplay: Pretty much like an interactive movie.  You can play with the mouse and keyboard or with a gamepad.  Personally, I use the game pad to move Lee around better because of the odd angles sometimes. The mouse is better for quickly aiming the cursor on the target you want to kill.  Dialogue and actions are meant to be decided within a time limit taking only seconds to do.  I have a habit to check out every single little item that can be picked up in hopes that it'll come useful later.  There's an option to turn off the hints so the mystery is tighter.

The claim that the story adapts to my choices have yet to fully taken shape.  The first two episodes are out, but I feel like there's only the illusion of making choices to go completely different paths.  For example, I could let the kid die and let the teenager live, but the teenager still dies and WTF, THIS ISN'T WHAT I ORDERED.  Another life and death choice is more permanent, but I haven't tested it out yet.  There's still a couple more episodes to be released, so maybe the small details will pay off.  The neat little thing is that at the end of each episode, the player's choices are displayed against what other people have picked.  I was in the middle with the first, but the second episode had me in the majority.  Replay value is questionable because you have to play the whole game once and not try to make multiple story saves otherwise if there is an illusion of an adaptable storyline, then that illusion is broken and the player will keep thinking that nothing significantly changes.

Overall: TWD is a must-buy on sale for the drama unfolding.  If you like games like Heavy Rain where it's interactive, then you will like TWD on PC.  There's no need to understand the TV and comic series to enjoy the video game version.  High expectations are to be had as players' emotions get tugged, choices make you feel good or regret doing so, and you wish you could redo some of the things over again if you wanted to.  Replay is strong depending on your imagination.


So like I said in the beginning, I was in a cop car.  I'm thinking 'GOD, WHY AM I CRIMINAL?  DID I BEAT MY WIFE?'  And so throughout EP 1, I am left in the dark making choices to cover up Lee's criminal background.  After getting a lift from Shawn, a young man I ran into Clem's neighborhood, I stayed the night at Shawn's farm in the barn.  I messed up by trying to keep it a secret saying I'm Clem's babysitter (LOL, especially when I killed her previous one) and then Shawn's dad confronts me saying I can't fool him.  He tells me I need to be honest if I want to survive on trust and then that was the last time I talked to him.  Why?  Because after helping Shawn fortifying the fence, Kenny's retarded kid, DUCK, was messing with the tractor, turned it on, and somehow ran over Shawn's leg.  All of a sudden, zombies showed up and then I had to choose which one to save.  I thought I could save both, being the nice person I am, and saved Duck first.  Before I could help Shawn, Shawn was bitten, died, and I'm left with 'MAN, I WANTED TO HELP YOU'  That's when the dad got pissed and told us to GTFO.  After learning that Kenny had a boat, yes I do want to GTFO.

Alternate choice: I tried to save Shawn but I needed to move the tractor somehow.  Kenny managed to save the retarded kid just fine, but I wasn't strong enough to move the tractor.  I pleaded Kenny to help me, but the fucker ran off to safety.  Shawn still died and the only comforting thing was that Shawn's last words were telling his dad that I tried to save him and the blame's all on Kenny.  WHY TELLTALE, WHY?

Gas runs out when the group arrives in Macon, Lee's hometown.  Zombies jumped them and then the retarded kid almost got bitten until Carly the trigger-happy reporter comes in to save the day.  But it's not over because we jumped out of the frying pan and into the oven when Lilly, former Air Force pilot, bashes on Carly for trying to save us.  Then her old fart of a dad, Larry, butts in and says Duck is infected based on being covered with muck.  I get to side with Kenny and save his kid or side with Larry.  Everyone's yelling back and forth between whether to throw Duck out and evaluating how people should treat outsiders.  I tried to play neutral, then I kinda sided with Kenny, and then I decided to go all apeshit and yell,"IF YOU'RE GONNA GET TO THE KID, YOU GOTTA GO THROUGH ME.  AND IF ANYONE'S GONNA KILL ANYONE ELSE, IT'S GONNA BE ME!!!" and then the sound of pounding zombies shuts everyone up.

Larry the fat fuck (yes, I hate him tons now) gets a heart attack for being such an asshole.  I wished I could choose to save him or not, but noooooo.  "Thou must" save Larry by getting him pills.  The funny thing is that while he was agonizing on the floor, I casually walked around hoarding energy bars, finding batteries, and getting Glenn the only Asian guy out of a rut.  So I can imagine that took about maybe 3 hours in reality?  Carly likes Doug, the techie of the gang, and Doug thinks she's kinda cute.  D'AWWW, I feel like love should proceed.... well, you don't always get what you want.  Soon enough, I picked up all the pieces behind Lee's background.  His parents died defending the store and their blood and stuff are left in the office.  On top of that, Carly knows Lee's prison sentence for killing a state senator who was found sleeping with Lee's wife.  I'm like, "WTF MAN, YOU KILLED SOMEONE?  NOW I GOTTA HIDE IT FROM EVERYONE"  It got really awkward trying to explain to Clem why I'm not a bad guy -__-

I check outside with Doug and figure out how to distract the zombies to get the keys off a pharmacist.  Turns out the pharmacist is a trapped zombie who used to be my brother.  I don't know why but I decided to try and cover up my family background and the next run-through I try to be more open.  Then I had to save Glenn at a motel where he then tells me some damsel in distress is refusing help.  After cleverly smashing brains out and trapping zombies, I hack open the door.  The lady was already infected and didn't want to be exposed to others.  So she wanted to kill herself and I told Carly to give her the gun.  Carly didn't like the idea so I told her to shoot the woman, and then Carly gave up.  The woman goes to heaven and I picked the gun up and walked back.

After opening the pharmacy door, the alarm starts. Zombies tried to flood the general store and I had to save Clem from being bitten.  After rushing to the back exit, FAT FUCK LARRY PUNCHED ME.  Really, I wanted to kill him when I could get up and it's not GAME OVER.  Kenny happily assisted me for being loyal to him earlier and I can go punch the living daylights out of Larry.

Episode 2
Everyone's hungry, Kenny and Lilly are at each other's throats, and the promise of protection is near.  The gang meets Mark, a former member of the military, who has an untold limited supply of food a few months ago.  Trapped at the motel area, the kids play and the adults fight.

Lee goes out to hunt for some food until a cry for help came out.  Two high school band students and their teacher are being chased by zombies and the teacher got his foot stuck in an invincible bear trap.  Lee can help him or wait it out to leave him for dead.  I was gonna go straight for his leg since there's no other way, but the teacher's like "NO, NO, NO, PLEASE  DO SOMETHING OTHER THAN CHOPPING MY LEG OFF" so I decided to give him a chance.  I act retarded for a minute, trying to chop down a thick tree the thick chain is tied to and then trying to chop the chain.  My buddies act like I'm being stupid all of a sudden.  When I said "Fuck it" I started hacking away at the teacher's leg.  It looked like one more swing will finish the job, but I ran out of time and Mark dragged me away leaving the teacher with a half-chopped leg to die, LOL.  Upset, I reloaded the save and went straight for his leg and then dragged his unconscious body back to camp.

Lee bring the teacher and kids back, Lilly is giving him shit for bringing in more mouths to feed, and I alienate Larry further.  Arguments fly until Katjaa was caught by the now-zombified band teacher and Lee managed to pry it off of her.  Then it occurred to the whole party that anyone can turn into a zombie regardless of the cause from death according to Ben.  Sounds silly?  I know, but the only justification is some dormant "zombie" gene or trait that is in everyone and death activates it whether or not someone is bitten by a zombie.    Just when things are gong to the gutters, two nice farmers named Andrew and Danny St. John came to offer supplies in exchange for protection.  It seemed way too good that the game can just end on a nice, big open pasture where everyone can stop starving.  I WAS RIGHT.  Kenny kept bugging Lee about how there's something suspicious in the barn where there are noises, but the brothers just say that it's nothing.

Lee and Mark go out to scout the farm's perimeter to check which electrical fence was down.  All of a sudden, bandits shot arrows at Lee and Mark yelling about how they betrayed the bandits by witholding supplies from them.  Mark gets shot in the knee leg, and they barely managed to escape.  Lee confronted Andrew about the farm not being safe, and then Andrew confesses that they had bandit trouble.  Minutes later, Lee and Danny go into the woods to find a bandit camp, only to find a camp that belonged to a woman and her daughter.  A quick raiding shows that the woman somehow stole Clementine's hat and that she's been trying to defend herself after the bandits took her daughter.  The classic turn-around-OMG-there's-someone reveals the now crazy woman who was going to shoot Lee with a crossbow.  I thought about killing her, but I wanted to let Danny kill her just to keep my hands clean a little bit.  Danny really did kill her and the two come back to rest up.  This entire time I keep asking where is Mark and how is he, and all I get is that Mark is resting upstairs which is fine for a while.

Kenny finally convinces Lee to pick the lock on the barn to find anything suspicious, to which Lee asks why would Kenny think he would already know how to pick.  And Kenny said,"Well you know... being urban and all..." which makes Lee reply,"Urban?  Oh you are not talking about that are you?".  BAHAHAHA, Kenny's excuse was he just lives in the countryside and has only stereotypes to go off of just because Lee is BLACK.  And then a grotesque sight appeared behind the closed doors which was a slaughtering room.  I figured that maybe they had spare livestock to feed off of other than cows, but that seemed very unlikely if the farmers emphasized the farm as a dairy farm that produces dairy products.  Andrew brushes it off that they gotta eat other things and it's not what it looks like.

Dinner time comes around and Lee finds an excuse to go upstairs to follow a power cord.  The cord leads underneath a bookshelf that has all the basics for surgery.  Lee looks into Mark's room, which gives off something is going to go very wrong when Mark is missing and there's a large blood stain on the floor.  Lee powers on a room hidden behind the closet and bookshelf to much of his horror seeing Mark with no legs.  Mark's last words were,"Don't... eat... dinner..." before he passes out and I made Lee yell at everyone to stop eating, especially Clementine, and revealed the farmers' true nature as cannibals.  No one believed Lee until I convinced Kenny to get his gun but the farmers cornered them.

Lee gets knocked out and wakes up in a freezer with Lilly, Larry, Kenny, and Clementine.  Another fight breaks out between Lilly and Kenny as long as they live.  Lee finds a way to escape and before he can do the smart thing, Larry turned on his stupidity by raising his blood pressure with his anger and attack on the freezer door.  I figured 'Great, he can die' but then Kenny gets the idea that Larry will turn on everyone soon and suggest killing him.  I wanted to Larry dead, but with the blood pressure incident I can't bring myself to spread his brain matter all over the floor.  So I try to revive Larry 3 seconds in until Kenny drops a salt lick on Larry and says he's sorry for what he had done.

Kenny and I go out first after escaping, but then Kenny became stupid again for rushing out into the open to save his family.  I had to deal with Danny first where I hid behind a stable door, peeked out, almost got my face blasted, and then got Danny at a disadvantage.  I killed Danny, but when Clementine screamed I exclaimed,"OH MAN, SHE SAW THAT.  GOTTA REWIND."  So I just let Danny get his foot trapped, and went after Brenda holding Katjaa hostage.  It was easy to get Brenda to back up into zombie Mark's arms and rescue Katjaa.  Then Kenny got what he deserved for rushing out with a bullet to his guts when trying to rescue Duck.  After rescuing Duck, I repeatedly punched Andrew's face but then I wondered what would happen if I stopped because I didn't want Clementine to think badly of me.  The farm is overrun with zombies and the game ends with the choice to raid a station wagon's food and supplies.  It was a matter of survival so I took the food.

Episode 3

The guys are running out of supplies, I ended up letting a screaming woman take the fall in distracting the zombies, and Kenny doesn't mind leaving me for dead yet again as long as his safety is confirmed.  Katjaa wasn't happy that Kenny wanted the woman to be eaten alive, and I helped Lilly find out who's been stealing our supplies.  Lilly is at her peak of paranoia and chases all of us out of her room.  Things start to heat up for Carly and Lee only for Carly to kill the mood by telling Lee to tell certain people that he went to prison/killed someone.  So I told everyone I went to prison for something, hoping that sounded better than killing someone, but fucking Kenny questioned Lee with "Was it molesting a kid?".  HELL NO MOFO, HOW DARE YOU ACCUSE LEE OF MOLESTATION?  I should've just told Kenny Lee killed someone, but Kenny's like "Ok, but I'll note that when it comes down to who gets to stay on the boat.".

One more talk with Lilly and then bandits show up shouting that we haven't kept our end of the bargain.  Everyone's at risk for death and Lilly saves the day by sniping one of the bandits.  It was shooting time when it was defending against bandits and then zombies.  Everyone escapes into the RV and then Lilly starts bagging on Ben.  Carly defends Ben, telling Lilly to get off her high horse and it looks like Lilly has something against Carly.  Ben is being a chicken by begging Lilly to not abandon him and then the RV takes a hit from a  zombie.  First there was votes, then there was no votes, and then there was votes AGAIN until Lilly snapped from Carly calling her out.  After Kenny said the RV can go again, Carly turns around only to sleep on the ground with a bullet to her head.  I wasn't happy with Lilly at all and thought about leaving her behind, but I thought maybe she can somehow redeem herself.  I WAS WRONG YET AGAIN, WTF.

How's the crackers, Ben?  I got some more...

In the end, Lilly undoes her handcuffs and jacks the RV, leaving the rest of us stranded with a hobo and a train.  The hobo's name is Chuck and he has been living out in the freighter for a while until Lee and co. decides to take his home away.  Chuck plays some tunes and give away snacks while Lee and Kenny figure out how to get the train moving.

Duck was actually bitten by a zombie and his time was running out.  Kenny and Lee somehow managed to operate a train and the gang takes off.  I had to convince Kenny to stop the train and leave Duck behind but then it was gonna turn into a fist fight.  Kenny was in super denial that he was gonna pay for what he did to Hershel's kid and I managed to talk him down instead of punching him.  I offered to kill Duck because I thought it might be too hard on Katjaa and Kenny, but at the same time it's more appropriate for the parents to take responsibility.  It was hard, ok?  So Katjaa and Duck goes off into the woods first and before Kenny and Lee can say much, a gunshot was heard.  The men run to them to find that Katjaa only killed herself and Duck was still waiting for his death.  For the last time, I offered to shoot Duck and I did while Kenny's a mess because he lost his family.

As I leave Kenny alone to let him recover, Lee goes across Ben and he confesses that he was the one who was supplying the bandits.  BEN, YOU FUCKER, YOU GOT CARLY THE LOVE OF LEE'S LIFE DEAD.  And I let Lee unleash his anger, but then I had Lee leave Ben alone.

"Ben, you got a minute?"  "Yeah, sure what is it?"

"Never mind, I don't want to talk to you no more." "Ok..." (sulks)

We finally get to the end of the tracks where there's an oil tanker dangling from the bridge.  Meet Omid and Christa, pedophile and overprotective mother respectively.
"Oh!  Is that a kid?  I looooove kids!"

Ok, I kid about Omid about being a pedophile, it was just that one scene where he was giddy to see Clementine.  I taught Clementine how to shoot and cut her hair shorter courtesy of Chuck's advice.  Clementine's shooting, however, was useless and I had to get Lee out of a zombie's bind.  Zombies started showing up and then Lee and Omid had to move the tanker away to let the train go.  The train goes, Lee kicks the torch on the gasoline to burn the zombies, and the two guys jump on the train.  Well one actually, because Omid missed and was crippled.  Christa was lagging with Omid, and I chose to help Christa first because "ladies first" but then she bagged on me for not saving Omid first.  I'm getting there; so I save Omid as well and I later found out I would've been bagged by Omid for not saving Christa first.  Then everyone rode off into the sunset.

Episode 4

The train dies and everyone arrives in Savannah.  Clementine kept egging me to go find her parents even though I know they're dead, so I kept stalling her.  The mysterious voice on the walkie-talkie warns the groups that zombies are gonna come after them and then a bell goes off with unusual timing.  Zombies start coming after the survivors and first up is Ben and Clementine cornered.  Fucking Ben ran away leaving her alone, so Chuck swoops in with his shovel to save the day.  Chuck gets left behind and the group runs towards a house.  There seemed to be no way in until Lee came up with the idea that someone can crawl through the doggy door, but the door is locked as well.  As luck would have it, Lee had to dig up a decomposing dog, get its collar, and unlocks the doggy door for Clem to crawl through.  After unlocking the door, Omid gets to rest on the couch, Kenny finds a zombified boy who looks like Duck and starved to death, and Lee finds a mysterious person watching him and then running away.

The group reaches the water and Kenny blows his top off again that all the boats are dead.  Lee gets jumped by a woman named "Molly", who explains that Crawford members have picked the city clean and there's no hope there.  More zombies show up and Molly becomes "Bitching Molly" when she can climb her way up with her pick and leave everyone else to die.  Clementine pleads for her help, so Molly changed her mind.  I thought she was gonna die this entire episode, but luckily she doesn't.  Lee gets cut off from Kenny and Clem so he had to go down into the sewers.  There was a quick puzzle where Lee had to distract the zombies with running water and then I get hit in the feels with finding Chuck dead with entrails spread out.  D:

Lee gets out and then gets another gun put to his face by an old man named Vernon.  He learns that Vernon and other elderly people are hidden below Crawford because those from Crawford leave any children, weak, sickly, and elderly people to die.  Lee convinces Vernon to come back to the mansion to help Omid.  Clem goes missing but is later found in a shed with a boat (cue hallelujah).  The only problem is Lee and co. have to risk their hides in Crawford to get fuel and a battery.

All able-bodied persons came to Crawford and the surprise came that even Crawford was not safe from zombies.  The gang splits up with Lee and Molly going to the auto shop to get the battery.  Lee loses Molly but is reunited her in a gruesome manner as Molly comes back enraged and hacking away at a zombified doctor.  Lee asks "MOLLY, WHY SO CRAY CRAY?" and she said it's nothing.  They find the battery, Molly runs off with the battery in her backpack saying she had an errand to do, and Lee goes back into Crawford HQ to meet up with Christa and Vernon.  In the medical wing, there was a camcorder and you know what that means?  It's time to peek into other people's privacy.  Finding 2 tapes gets Lee a look at a pregnant lady and the doctor who was hacked by Molly.  The tapes reveal Crawford's "no hindrances" rule and how the outbreak occurred.  More importantly, the 3rd optional tape is found in the doctor's locker showing Molly whoring herself with the doctor to get insulin for her diabetic sister.  When the doctor said he can't supply anymore otherwise the leader will find out, Molly just said "F U DOC" and the poor doctor didn't get a break after that.  The pregnant woman agreed to the doctor's suggestion of abortion even though she didn't like it.  As the doctor had his back turned, she stabbed him with a scalpel and ran away.  An outbreak from the inside made some sense now.

There was also a tight call where Lee, Kenny, and Brie ran away from more zombies in Crawford and Lee barricaded the main hallway with an axe holding the doors.  When Ben showed up to the meeting time, the little shit removed the axe to give it to Lee and then everyone had to run with the supplies on them.  As Brie holds the door while Kenny pry the armory door open, Ben cracks and 'fesses up to Kenny that everything was his fault.  I had made Ben keep it quiet and save it for later, but the little shit loses everything and spills how he was the one who gave away supplies to the bandits, got Carly/Doug shot, and unleashed the zombies in Crawford.  Steaming, Kenny tries to attack Ben and says everyone should leave him for dead.  I brought Clem with me and she was the voice of reason again, saying we shouldn't leave him.  This was the last straw so I thought about leaving Ben behind for good.  This is the part where Telltale had ramp up the action level by giving Lee the opportunity to whack, shoot, and kick his way past zombies up a tower.    As the gang exits out of the tower, a zombie grabs Ben and he almost fell.  Lee holds onto him and Ben says to let him die as a way to atone for his mistakes.  Hm, that sounds very promising.  I could not, however, bring myself to do that so I pulled him up.  Kenny is pissed at Ben for the rest of the episode, while Lee finds a way to lure the zombies away from the emergency stairway.

Lee props a ladder to the bell tower, but the ladder falls and Lee almost died.  I couldn't go through the doorway on the tower so Lee had to jump off the tower and back onto the main building.  I thought I was gonna die, but Lee survived.  The group managed to escape Crawford and back to the mansion.  Clem once again bugs me about finding her parents, so I told her the truth and she cries herself to sleep :(  Lee naps on a couch only to wake up with Clem and the walkie-talkie gone.  So I thought, "Shit, she probably went off on her own to find her parents."  Lee finds Clem's hat on the ground and then gets jumped by a zombie.  To my horror, Lee's hours are numbered as it looks like he was bit.  Everyone came out to ask Lee what was wrong and I had the choice to tell them or not.  I hid it from them, but Lee told them Clem was missing.  In the end, Ben stuck out for me and we went off.  But I wasn't satisfied with that so I went back and told them about the bite.  Everyone surprisingly agreed to come along (and Kenny with a bit of persuasion where the keyword is "family").  Vernon and the others are gone from their hideout, only with the walkie-talkie left and the mysterious man on the other end.  SHIT JUST GOT REAL.  

Episode 5

Zombies begin prying their way into the old hideout and everyone tries to barricade the doors while Lee finds  something to pry the elevator doors open.  After getting the doors open, Lee passes out and then he later wakes up to everyone screaming at Kenny to stop.  Turns out Kenny was going to saw Lee's infected arm off, thinking that maybe the infection will stop or slow down.  I thought it might work, but Telltale might be a wanker and have a missing arm not matter.  Everyone starts climbing the elevator shaft upwards and Lee passes out AGAIN on the ladder.  I thought ADLFJASLFDJFLAF fuck, how can he not fall?  Lee regains consciousness and pulls himself up as his legs were caught between the handles, preventing his fall.

The team gets back to the mansion to find, much to their horror, that Vernon and co. stole their boat and said he's sorry (NO YOU'RE NOT, YOU DICK).  This pushes Kenny over the edge and then he takes it out on Ben who, much to everyone's surprise, blows his top off and yells back at Kenny.  Ben snapped and bagged at Kenny that at least Kenny had family to lose and Ben never knew what happened to everyone he knew.  After that spat, Kenny fell silent and backed off of Ben.  The hoard of zombies caught up to the mansion and began to invade it.  There was a close call of doing a last stand behind a shoddy barricade of desks until Lee shows everyone up to the attic.  Now it's Lee's turn to have a go against Kenny as he acts like a douchebag claiming I never had his back when really I was in the middle/tried to be friendly to everyone/help Lilly that one time with her dad.  I could have hit Kenny with a bust, but he picked it up and threw it at a decaying wall instead of Lee.  Then hope shone through as each person took turns hacking away at the wall to escape.  It was therapy session where Christa asks everyone questions left and right.  Kenny gets a bit of a buzz from leftover alcohol and offers it to Christa, who reluctantly took the bottle and drank the rest of it.  At that point, it was confirmed Omid most likely knocked Christa up and she's preggers.  The wall comes down and the group comes across another heartbreaking scene of a decaying couple on their beds with signs showing they committed suicide.  Why Telltale, why?  Actually that's not the worst Telltale has in store for us.

The team sees an opportunity to jump off a balcony to the adjacent roof... until the balcony conveniently detaches itself and Ben falls 2 stories down.  I thought he was dead; he wasn't dead... yet.  Kenny and Lee rush down to save Ben and another weight of sadness adds up when Lee finds Ben impaled by the railing.  Neither Lee nor Kenny could bring themselves to yank Ben off because he was in terrible pain.  The zombies start cornering the 3, and Kenny forces Lee behind a gate to tell him to go back.  NO KENNY, WHY?  YEAH, YOU WERE BEING A PRICK WHEN IT WAS ALL ABOUT YOUR CIRCUMSTANCES, BUT WHY YOU GOTTA DIE NOW?  Kenny said he might as well go down with Ben as a way for making up all the times he was mean to Ben and for indirectly letting Hershel's kid die.  Lee could only watch on and the last bullet was shot.  It was definite that Ben died, but Lee was unsure if Kenny escaped (I really doubt that).

With Lee, Christa, and Omid left, Lee splits from the couple (for good from what I can tell) and tells them to meet up outside of Savannah after he gets Clem.  This was a moment for Lee to become badass and take a last stand where he digs a chunk of broken glass into his left hand and a butcher knife in the other.  He slashes his way through to the hotel where Clem's parents were last seen and where Clem was taken.  Lee reaches a room where he could hear Clem's plea for help, but then the mysterious man shows himself behind Lee.

The man tells Lee to put down his weapons and to sit down.  I had Lee tell the man somewhat honestly that Lee had done nothing wrong... until the man brought up the station wagon.  It turns out it was his family's station wagon and now I feel bad for raiding it.  But all is well since it didn't matter if you personally touched his supplies since everyone else touched it.  Then the man laid on sin after sin about Lee leaving the woman to bait the walkers, endangering Clem, and so on.  I find out that Clem had the walkie-talkie working and has been telling this man everything that has happened.  The man said that he lost his son, but not his wife in the form of a decapitated, animated head in his bag.  The man said he would dish out justice on Lee for being a criminal, but then he was attacked by Clem who sneaks out.  Lee takes over and fights with the man until Lee was going to get killed by him.  Clem's shooting skills finally appear and she killed the man.

After a short reunion, Lee had to convince Clem that in order to get out they have to cover their scent with guts.  Now I already know that same scene from watching the TV series...  The two get out and Clem sees her parents staggering around as zombies and she becomes traumatized.  Lee passes out and awakes in a police station.  He really doesn't look very good this far into the game, and I felt this is the end for him.  Lee could no longer stand up so he had to direct Clem how to handcuff the zombie cop to his chair and get the keys to the exit.  Then there was a scary moment where the zombie cop crawls and grabs Clem.  Lee manages to hit the cop once and give Clem the bat to finish the cop off.  I know the end was coming as Lee told Clem she'll have to watch her back, find Omid and Christa, and that Lee will always love her like a daughter.  FUCK TELLTALE, WHY THE FEELS?  I felt that making Clem shoot Lee was too much, so I had Clem walk to the exit and she had to look back at a very sickly Lee finally slumping against the radiator.  AND THEN IT GOES TO CREDITS, GOD DAMN IT.  It turns out in the end, cut arm or not, Lee will die no matter what.  I thought handcuffing Lee was too much and that he'll turn into a zombie anyways.  Shooting Lee would have been merciful, but traumatizing.  It was so sad... T___T

After credits, Clem is seen wandering through a rural area presumably outside of Savannah and checks out some shotgun rounds on the ground.  She then sees 2 figures and the 2 figures stop and see her.  Clem is last seen with a terrified look on her face.  WHERE THE HELL IS OMID AND CHRISTA?  DID THEY DITCH HER?  I DON'T KNOW.

So that concludes my adventure with TWD on the PC.  The game is definitely good in terms of story and messing with you.  It was fun while it lasted.  If you read this far, it's up to you whether or not you still want to get the game.  It turns out the choices you make won't matter in the end for Lee's fate, but your choices will change how you will interact with the characters and who will be left.  It was fun while it lasted for it's price I got on sale, which was probably $15 for the whole thing.  Each episode will be 2-3 hours depending on how long you take solving puzzles or interacting.

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